Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

We can't thank Kim Hiza of New Jersey Home Mortgage, LLC enough for finding us the right program to finally lower our monthly mortgage payment. We are saving a ton of money with our refinance! She was so patient and committed to us throughout the entire process. Highly recommend her!

- Cristi B
-, NJ | August 11, 2015

Kim Hiza of New Jersey Home Mortgage, LLC provided great, professional service to my husband and I while we worked to finance the purchase of our home. She made herself available throughout the whole process and patiently explained each step as we went. We were made to feel very comfortable about how much money our payments would be and Kim was able to match us with the right program and lender that worked best for our situation! She really demonstrated a strong financial background and we would recommend New Jersey Home Mortgage, LLC to anyone looking for honest, personalized service!

- Lara and Jeff L.
-, NJ | January 29, 2016

My experience with Kim Hiza was great!! Not only was I able to get my loan at a rapid and reasonable rate, she also found the lowest rates that the banks had to offer. She had all of the answers I needed to make buying my first home fun and easy. I would highly recommend Kim as a loan agent for any home buyer whether it is your first time buying or not!

- Ed S
-, NJ | July 10, 2012

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